Saturday, July 17, 2010

Writer's Block!

This is frustrating, it is only the fourth day of this blog and already I am stumped for a topic!  Therefore, I will have to regale you with the events of the day.

I was up during the night enjoying Mother Nature's fireworks show.  I like to stand by a door or window and watch the lightning flashing across the sky, and with the occasional crack of thunder it is almost like a display on the 4th of July.  The rains was coming down with a vengeance, I felt sorry for the people I could see driving in it, let alone the ones that had to get out of their cars.  I went to sleep and woke up around 9 o'clock, I was entitled to sleep in as it is the weekend and the storm kept me up.

Today I watched tv and am near the end of the current Clive Cussler Oregon Files book I'm reading, titled "Skeleton Coast."  At the left side of this post you will see the first book in that series, titled "Golden Buddha."  For those who like to read adventure books I can recommend this series highly.  It's about a group of mercenaries that operate out of a battered freighter, mostly ex-CIA, military, and several civilians with specialized talents.  Money is not always the issue with them, they will do what they feel is right regardless of the cost.  The high tech nature of the ship and their equipment, plus the frequent humorous parts, allows for complex plots and keeps your interest.

I did go out to get something to eat, life can not always be microwave meals, tacos, and pizza (even though they are my favorite food groups!), and then came back to catch the end of the movie "17 Again."  This looked like a good movie, hopefully it will be on again so I can see the whole thing.

I will be doing a few more things on this blog, hopefully tonight, so please check in for further updates.  I do welcome all comments, don't hesitate to be honest!

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