Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 2

This is the second day in Walt's Book of Life, if you read the Welcome! page and decided to continue on, I thank you or pity you.  Either you found my outlook on things interesting or you have nothing better to do than to keep reading.  Hopefully it was the former.

I had one of my good days/bad days (multiple) yesterday.  Some people have one good event, one bad event in a given day.  I had several of each, but that is normal for me.  As I said before, my days will make you realize that your life isn't that bad after all.

To start with, I put the final pieces of my old life behind me.  That was a good part, it means I can make a new start, open a new chapter, so to speak.  Then the bad part - I committed virtual suicide.  My former self exists no more, it was necessary to say goodbye to someone I care very deeply about.  My continued presence in her life could only cause her pain and difficulty.  We've seen it in movies, such as Mel Gibson's "Conspiracy Theory", where he has to die so the girl he was protecting could get on with her life.  We just don't realize until we have to say farewell how much it hurts, and how much we love that person.

The good part is now I can look forward, it can be frightening not knowing what the future holds but we hopefully can learn from our past mistakes and be more careful.  The bad part is that there are still shadows that will remain from the past that unfortunately we cannot get away from.  If you look behind you your shadow will always be there, the trick is to remember to look ahead and keep the sunlight in front of you.  I prefer sunshine to rain any day. 

Another good part was that I was able to visit with my aunt and uncle, who are definitely world travellers.  I wonder if they can remember all the countries they have visited in their lifetime.  They are wonderful people, I always enjoy talking to them and hearing about their recent journeys, this last one over the past few weeks was to Scotland, a place I have always wanted to go.  The bad part was I didn't have much time to visit, as I had been to my real estate class and been drowned in real estate law.  My head is still spinning from the knowledge I am going to have to retain for the real estate exam.

I will go over Law in another post, I have some very defined ideas about the legal and justice system in our country today.  But that is another day.  Right now I have to prepare to leave for my next class.  I just finished a book I was reading, tomorrow I will begin my book review area on here, I can promise that there will be a constant series of updates on that.

I hope you will continue to check in and follow my thoughts, I would like to think I contribute something that others will find worthy of thought.

Until the next time!

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