Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thank God It's Friday!

Friday is nearly upon us,it's time for the weekend! Get ready to count the hours and minutes of the last workday of the week (for the Monday through Friday people)and then head for the nearest bar for happy hour, or home to flop in a recliner and take the first deep breath in five days, or to get packed up for the run to the beach for the weekend.

Sadly, I'm not doing any of those things. I actually don't know what to do this weekend. I don't think there is anything on I want to watch, I can't really afford the gas to go to the beach just to sit on the sand by myself, I don't go to Happy Hour anywhere (maybe I should start!), and I don't feel like going to yard sales.

Sometimes it's not a bad idea to just stay in and think. After all, it's free, nobody is going to demand a penny for your thoughts (I wonder who came up with that anyway, my thoughts are worth more than a penny, just click on the Amazon link here and order something so I can prove that!), and you might actually come away with something more valuable than money. I think I think too much sometimes, and I come away feeling poorer.

Take last Saturday for instance. I remember thinking about getting my hair cut, maybe going for a crew cut. Fortunately, I gave it enough thought to realize my hair is too fine and wouldn't stand up properly for a crew cut fashion. So by staying in and thinking about it I saved myself all that misery.

I did go out last Saturday for a while, I was looking for a used cooler. To my surprise the vendors at the Farmer's Market all closed up early because of the heat, I don't remember them ever closing at 3:00 on a Saturday before. I guess only idiots were out running around in 100 degree weather looking for coolers. Another good reason to stay in - the heat! Why go out when you have air conditioning?

But there are advantages to going out. I understand the Cecil County Fair is going on this week in Fair Hill, Maryland. Maybe I need to get out and be around people, watch the hog races, the demolition derby, and the Masters of the Chainsaw (whatever that is!)

I guess the best thing about the weekend is the fact that you don't have to go to work (unless you work weekends), your time is your own, and you can do what you want (within reason). Maybe I'll take time to read all these books about blogging I've been getting.

Anyway, it's FRIDAY! Enjoy!

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