Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Tonight's post is going to be easy to remember - it's simple, just think of me!

I was reminded today of how complicated things have become in this country.  Look at Shirley Sherrod, she was asked to resign over something that happened over 20 years ago.  Nobody wanted to listen to her side of things, yet once they looked deeper the White House begged her forgiveness.  Just like court cases, how many people have been found guilty of crimes they didn't commit just because nobody bothered to properly investigate?

When you consider less than 200 years ago in the Old West property could change hands with a handshake, 50 gold coins, and a note that said something like, "I Joe Smith sell my ranch to Tom Jones for 20 gp."  That was it.  A man's horse was his livelihood, if someone stole his horse and was caught they hung the thief, no long drawn out appeal process.  If somebody stole something smaller they would either jail him or cut off his hand.  A man could be arrested on Monday, have a chance to talk to his lawyer on Tuesday, have the trial Wednesday, and either be freed or hung on Thursday.  They didn't have overcrowded prisons in the Old West.

Look at taxes, it was simple enough to either pay them back in Colonial days or dump tea in Boston Harbor.  The tax code wasn't that complicated, it probably fit on one scroll.  Now we have entire law firms and the IRS and they can't figure it all out.

I like things simple, do you have any idea how many PIN's I have to remember, along with passwords, etc.  Look at my cell phone, I will probably have it for 5 years and only understand how to use 5% of it's functions.

What happened, why did the world get so complex and confusing?  Give me my cabin on a mountain with a fence and a shotgun and a room full of books and I'll be happy.  Anybody want to join me?  Ask for an invitation, since I'll shoot anybody that trespasses past the fence!

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