Monday, July 26, 2010

Who is normal?

It seems like every day that little voice in my mind (Yes, I hear voices, doesn't everyone?) pops up and asks, "Am I normal?" And the answer is right there, "NO!" (Yes, there are two voices. I'm not surprised the second one is female!)

There used to be a television show called "Herman's Head." I doubt that many of my followers (yes, I am aware there are only two right now, thank you, but hopefully there WILL be more! {That was to the female voice}), remember that show, but it used to be quite good, except it only ran for 3 seasons. It was about a young fact-checker named Herman. Whenever Herman had a thought, various conflicting aspects of his psyche were personified and interacted in a cluttered, attic-like room. The emotions represented were anxiety, intellect, sensitivity, and lust. I could really see my mind appearing as a cluttered attic, it's getting more cluttered every day. Anyway, the 4 emotions would argue and come to a decision in the space of a second in Herman's time. Surprising, he seemed normal considering what the emotions were like.

I had an interesting day. I found out this morning that my cell phone, which I have had for some time, was a blank slate and I had to download the features I had been wanting. I thought they came with it and I just couldn't find them! Admit it, cell phones are very complex these days! Then I worked on my car a little, actually managed to make a temporary minor repair (not bad for someone who is mechanically inept!) I then went on to find another item I had been looking for and succeeded. All in all, I felt pretty good! I felt like a normal person!

Then I had my class in Real Estate Law. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I'm taking a real estate course. I always come out of that class needing Tylenol and feeling like a moron. Then I went to my favorite cousin's house (she was home) and my cousin helped me out with this blog page, which I hope you will notice the changes on! Excellent job Warren! That is Warren C., Vice-President and partner in a local web design company. I keep forgetting to ask if he would like to advertise his company on here. You could not ask for a better creative talent, and I am not saying that because he's a relative. He explained what he was doing and I came away tonight feeling like I had learned something, which I haven't felt in a while. That is also the reason why it looks like I missed Monday's post. I like to do my post at the end of the day, it gives me time for reflection on the day's events and my topic for the day. As I didn't get in until 2 a.m., I feel I can be excused, as this is really Monday's post.

Back to what I was saying though. I look at all these people who are successful in their fields. My teacher at school, who is a real estate lawyer. My cousin Debbie, who is a real estate agent. My cousin Warren, who is not only a partner and V.P. of his company but also teaches web design at a local college. My therapist Debra who is also a teacher, author and entrepreneur. I see the success they have achieved through higher education and wonder if it is too late for me to go to school and start a new career. My doctor tells me no, it is not too late, and I should go for it!

I look at all these successful people, who are my friends, and think they are normal people. I look at other people I meet, they seem normal. I look in the mirror, and realize one thing. Who am I to judge who and what is normal? People make choices in life about family and education and either benefit or suffer. I have done that just like everyone else. Everyone's life is different, therefore we are not normal, but unique.

I guess I just answered the question in the title. Who is normal?

NOBODY! (and that is to the little voices also!)

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