Monday, July 19, 2010


Back again today, although as I said the earlier post should be credited to Sunday, as it took me a while to gather my thoughts and post them, and it really wasn't my fault it wasn't done until early Monday morning.  Circumstances just didn't permit me to do it on the calendar day.

That there is what this post is about - communication.  There are many kinds of communication out there.  Radio (yes, that's still around!), T.V. (hi-def now!), newspapers (probably not for long, they are on the Internet for viewing), letters (not so much now, leading to....), e-mail (which will soon replace the postal service), sign language, etc.  Probably many I don't know about!

No matter how we do it, communication is important.  Lack of it has led to wars, divorce, disasters, pain and suffering, death, whatever.  When two people share information, that's communication.  When one person does it, say on a blog when he's sitting all alone and trying to share his thoughts, that's communication.  When a group is at a sports event and the umpire is making bad calls and they're giving him suggestions on what he should do (even if it's anatomically impossible!), that's communication.

I try to communicate with someone every day.  I usually speak to my mother, a day doesn't go by that I don't talk to her.  It's because of love, and because I worry about her, and because she worries about me and I want to reassure her that I'm all right.  It's not too difficult to get hold of her, I know her work schedule, when she'll be home, and because I have done all I can to make sure she can hear her cell phone and access it easily when I call and she is out and about.  Then there are the other people.  My sister, who either misplaces or forgets to charge her cell phone and never answers it, then gives Mom and I grief for not answering ours when she calls (like that happens a lot!).  My two male cousins (who have no excuse at all, especially when one of them has two cell phones and STILL can't answer it, listen to his messages, or return his calls!).  And the other people who I know are extremely busy and trust they will get back to me when they can.

I hate phones, I answered one at work for 10 years and that was enough for me.  I have a cell phone, I admit it comes in handy but I am not addicted to it like other people are.  I don't spend much time talking, I use the other features of it, like the Web browser for reference, or the notepad for keeping track of things, the calendar for appointments, and the cameras for the sudden photo op.   When it rings I tend to groan first, then check to see who's calling.  I do not intend to be one of those irritating, annoying people you are in the same store with and you have to listen to every detail of their lives, like what Jane Doe is doing behind their back, how their boyfriend treats them, etc.  I try to keep my conversations private.  I would love to get all those people together in an auditorium somewhere and let them get on each others nerves.  And as far as the drivers that are all over the road because they're too busy talking on their cells to pay attention to what they're doing, well, don't get me started.

The world is getting smaller and smaller, communication devices (like cell phones) are getting more sophisticated and allowing people to talk and see each other clear around the world.  So why is it I can't understand people and they can't understand me?  It's because we're too busy talking and not communicating.  As I said in the beginning, it's the sharing of ideas.  Or is it that I'm not talking enough to let people know how I feel?

Last thought.......I care about the people in my life.  Please communicate with me and let me know how you care about me, then do it with the other people who are important in your life.  Trust me, it's necessary.

(P.S.  One day I WILL find a way to permanently fasten cell phones to certain people I know, so they will charge automatically and they will have no excuse not to answer when I call - especially the ones who claim I'm hard to reach!)

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