Friday, July 30, 2010

Walk down Memory Lane

I was thrilled today to get a message from an old friend (not agewise, we're still young!) that I am ashamed to say I didn't remember until today. It's funny, isn't it, how we don't remember things until a word or scent triggers something in our minds then it comes back to us in a rush? In this case it was a friend from my childhood in Connecticut.

Several months ago, back when I first signed up for Facebook, I did the usual search for friends in a race to build up my Friends list (so it looked like I had some!) and decided to go back to the happiest time of my life, back when I lived in Hamden, CT. I found Mary, a girl that lived down the street, and her friends' page led me to several others. It was like going home again! I actually have been back there, had a very pleasant visit with my friend Mark's parents, and looked up their daughter Susan who I used to walk to school with. I even have some pictures from back then that I may get up the nerve to put on here (I looked like a dweeb back then!).

Now my friend Anne was talking to Mary who was nice enough to mention me, and she remembered me from back then! She told me she remembered playing with me, I think we also played with Mimi too! Thinking about those days makes me remember playing kickball in the street, going to the park near the school, and getting ice cream from the people that had an ice cream truck at the house next to the alley leading to the park.

It's amazing how it all comes back to you! Especially with my memory! Those were wonderful days, it was a small neighborhood filled with the nicest people, I wish I could go back and find the same people still living there. Unfortunately, we have grown up, and gone our separate ways. But at least the people haven't changed, the fact they are keeping in touch shows that they value friendship, as I do.

"You can't go home again." Thomas Wolfe said that, I believe, and he was right. But there is always the chance to see people again, like high school or family reunions, and maybe I will get that chance to see some of the people again that were the best friends I ever had!

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