Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Faith, anyone?

It doesn't seem like this has been a good week for anybody! Friends of mine are having problems, as always I'm having problems, and there just doesn't seem to be an end in sight! You turn on the news and all you hear about is death and violence and corruption, why isn't there any happy news anymore? If somebody did a happy news channel it would probably only be on about 10 minutes a day and would be covering the local tri-state area and the world. 10 minutes! Okay, maybe 15 at the outside.

There can't be a God, it's just not possible. Even allowing for one that allows the free will of man to destroy himself by his actions, there should be a point where he would make his presence known, if only for one time and one minute to renew people's faith in a higher power.

The government keeps the UFO files confidential, their excuse is if the truth were known it might cause worldwide panic. Look at the film, "Independence Day." It took total destruction of cities and billions of dead people for the government to admit to the President that yes, there was an Area 51 and yes, we have known aliens existed.

You can make all the excuses but in the end people have evolved enough so that they have a need to know. Mankind has set himself on a destructive path because he believes there are no options and there is nobody to say differently, Almighty or otherwise.

Just suppose God did appear to somebody, or sent an angel, to someone like little Tracy in "Oh God, Book II," or the President admitted, "Yes, we have proof there is other intelligent life out there." We have people killing by themselves or by armies, wholesale slaughter every day. In "Oh God, Book II" they said after she and her friends starting painting "Think God" everywhere that the churches were full but the schools were not, because Tracy was suspended for not saying what they wanted to hear. Oh My! Is that the worse that could happen there? And think of all the priests whose faith would be renewed and they would stop molesting children. And if people were told alien life existed. Maybe there would be some panic or demonstrations, but compared to the wars of the last 100 years I can't imagine many people dying over it. For the most part science would have renewed interest to come up with ways to explore space and make contact, and people would probably start watching the "X-Files" again or just change the channel and say, "See? I always suspected there was a cover up and the little green guys do exist. Now what's for dinner?"

I think mankind is at it's most destructive point. North Korea has nuclear weapons, so does half the world anymore, and it's only a matter of time before someone is crazy enough to trigger them. Look at 9/11, if that had been North Korea our country would be like "The Day After."

We need something now that we don't have - faith. Faith in God, faith in our leaders, faith in ourselves. I met someone recently that called me a liar and every name in the book and he doesn't even know me. I have faith in maybe a dozen people, that's all. And even that gets shaken sometimes.

I know this isn't my Wednesday headline posting that you expected, I will make up for it on the next one, but this is how I feel.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes our faith in God, family, people, places, and objects can be shaken.

    Objects, that's easy, they're temporary, actually fading quicker than we expected. Those places we run to for solace, they often become crowded with others looking for the same. People - well, people aren't perfect. Time helps to make people even less perfect. They ultimately can't give us everything we need.

    God though, perfect.

    But since we're not perfect we often think that God's the same in some way. Of course we're mistaken when we transfer human imperfection onto God.

    Don't be blinded, by the dark valley's, into believing there's no God. The troubled times are for God to prove He's faithful, we just have to decide if we're willing to put our faith in Him. Our lack of faith caused by the rough time we all go through, is never evidence against the existence of God.

    No matter what unbearable situation I'm going through, I know there's someone experiencing something worse. I hope that you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you because I know, at this time, you are one of those someone's. I wish there was something more I could do, a solution I could give.

    I hate what other's have done to you. I know that doesn't help at all. My prayer is that God, the only one that could possibly have a solution, will help. My faith in him to give you the help you need is all that I have right now.
