Monday, August 2, 2010


Sometimes in our life we tend to expect too much or not enough. This can pertain to people, material objects, weather, anything really. As a kid I always had the long list for Santa just like other kids. As long as I believed in Santa I always thought I would get everything on my list, then was slightly disappointed on Christmas morning. Not that I wasn't grateful for what I did receive, I just wanted MORE!

Then I grew up and expected more from life than I received, from education to employment. I always expected (and hoped!) for better grades, though I have to admit that I expected to fail also as I wasn't a great student. Fortunately they passed me through! And in my jobs I've always tried to do well, and I like to think my efforts have been appreciated.

As far as people go I've been disappointed, I grew up in a nice neighborhood and expected to find the same kind of people everywhere. Sadly, that has not been the case. I have dealt with all types of people in my life; bullies, snobs, criminals, etc. I had to grow up in a hurry and I still feel the pain.

But that's the way it is with expectations. I was told long ago as long as you expect the worse in people, that's what you'll see. I disagree with that. People are what they are - some are able to change, others aren't going to. What's wrong is trying to change who you are FOR people. They will either like you or they won't, but why try to be something you aren't? How long can you keep that up and still like yourself?

Tonight I had my real estate law midterm exam. I follow along in class, I study out of class, I've worked in legal-related areas for half of my life, and I expected to fail. Well, to my surprise, I passed! Not as well as I probably could have, but I did. Thank goodness for extra credit (it was only 2 points but it helped!).

So we may have let life's experiences beat us down, for some they've lifted us up. And we may have expectations about a lot of things and are bound to be disappointed along the way. But sometimes there is a surprise around the corner, and we should be grateful for those, since they give us hope when we least expect it.

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